Monday, February 05, 2007

Another indication that I'm aging and a parent

I was painting in our kitchen this Saturday while the kids watched cartoons and heard a commercial for Trix cereal. The commercial was all about how Trix now had a "new" shape. They are now round instead of fruit-shaped. I learned three things from this commercial: 1. I am now getting old enough that I remember that this is really a retro-version of Trix. Round was their original shape. 2. I really see a lot of children's programming since I am a father of four. 3. I am a total dork that I care what shape Trix comes in.

1 comment:

The Missional Position said...

no joke me too. the first thing i noticed when i read the title was the pic and I saw the New Shape! declariation right at the top of the box and my first thought was "haven't they always been round?"