Monday, January 29, 2007

Dear Abby (revised),

At the birth of each of my children, I have written a letter to them. I have been a little slow about getting one to Abby. Time is more and more at a premium with four children. So, here, finally, is my letter to Abby.

Dear Abby,

You are the fourth incredible blessing that God has given to us. I cannot begin to tell you how much you mean to your mother and me. Your birth has once again brought joy into our busy home. You are a cherished possession, a special treasure, a beautiful gift from God.

You have been born into an incredible family with the most beautiful and awesome mother in the world. She is the love of my life, and I feel blessed every day to have her as my wife. Your brother and sisters are terrific kids, and they already love you with all their hearts. You cannot know right now just how wonderful your life is to be loved by so many people.

Abby, as your Daddy, I promise you that I will always love you unconditionally. I will value you and treasure you as best I know how on a daily basis. Most importantly, I will always try to point you to Jesus Christ and give you an example of following him in my own life. I cannot give you riches or fame, but I can give you Jesus, and he is the best thing in all the world.

I pray for you daily. I pray you will know just how much I and your mommy love you and how much God loves you. I pray that you will one day become a follower of Jesus Christ. I pray that you will live out God's vision for your life. I pray you dream big dreams, live great adventures, and love the world, life, and other people. I pray you will find someone to share your life with who will love you with all their hearts and who will love Jesus even more.

You mean the world to me, and I thank God every day for the gift you are to us.



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