Monday, December 17, 2007

A Suggestion for Those Wanting to "Go Green"

"Going green" is a really hot buzz topic right now. I don't know why, but for some reason I got to thinking last night about one of the ways that some of my old, widowed, great aunts and great-great aunts conserved energy when I was a kid.

Now, understand, they did this not out of a sense of responsibility for the environment, but because they were on a fixed income and needed to save money. Also, understand that I grew up in rural Arkansas, which is a little bit different (note the vast understatement) than the rest of America.

Several of my aunts conserved energy by living in two rooms of their house. They had their kitchen, which they did not heat, and their bedroom/living area. This was the only room that the heated. And they never used air conditioning. When you went to visit them, they had a little sitting area, but in the background was their bed. They usually heated the room with a little gas heater.

Maybe we could conserve energy by following their lead in our homes and using less space.

Oh, well, that's what was on my mind this morning.

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